Flow Hive
This is a great gift idea for people with disabilities, new beekeepers, or even people who might have allergies to bees because of the limited disturbance and direct contact with the bees. For beekeepers with allergies to bee venom always take care to wear adequate protection from stings and always carry an epipen. The Official Flow Hive does not need to be opened to harvest your honey crop. When the honey is ready you simply turn a valve and the honey comes out. Its as simple as that. Check out these reviews
. The Flow Hive can bee expensive, but there is a less expensive alternative that can be seen by CLICKING HERE.
Indoor Observation Hive
Don't let the name freak you out! The indoor observation hive is safe for keeping indoors. It is sealed snug and tight so there is no danger of the bees getting free in your house...Unless you knock it over of course. But if your beekeeper spends hours outside with his hives just so he can watch the bees do their thing, then having one of these in your home might keep your beekeeper inside a bit more. To say that these things offer HOURS of fun for the addicted hobbyist, and talk about a conversation piece! Check out the Observation Hive HERE!
You may not realize this but every beekeeper must have one of these. Its used to measure moisture in honey. Too much moisture and your honey can spoil rather quickly. Although it is a much needed item for the hobbyist and pro alike, it is also an item that most beekeepers neglect buying for themselves which makes it a great gift idea! Get one here!
Beekeeping Books
There is no shortage of ideas and opinions on how to keep bees. It is a subject that has been written about for hundreds of years. There are thousands of books on the subject. I personally recommend Beekeeping For All
Beekeeping T-Shirts
When all else fails, get a t-shirt. Here is a great selection of t-shirts that any beekeeper would love to have. Go check out this selection of Beekeeping T-Shirts